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Revival Awards: Part 1

August 16, 2011

First of all, I’m not anti Singing News Fan Awards.  You could make an argument that they have been very good for our industry, and probably still are to some extent.  But the excitement can wear off.  It’s not as fun to predict winners, because in a 3 year span, we know who will win primarily.  So, I asked around and collectively we came up with some new categories that we feel are important, but continue to get overlooked.  The board consists of a 6 fellow bloggers, a handful of industry personnel, and a few selected artists.  We need your vote to trim down the list…and then trim it down again.  So fans can still get involved.  Winners will receive an authentically framed certificate.  Depending on your activity, we plan to expand the board members next year, re-structure some amateur categories, and make it a type of “un-official” annual Awards process for those who like to surf the net.  Clearly the goal is thinking differently and critically about what we really see and hear, and to help educate those who love this music dearly.  If the categories don’t suit you or you have other suggestions, feel free to shoot me an e-mail.  We are listening.  And we want to make it better.  Nominations are based upon a loosely based time frame, but in subsequent years, will become more strict.  Look for Part II next week as soon as I get the remaining nominations counted.

To vote, click this link.

  1. spiderchocolate permalink

    can you make it that not every question has to be answered? I’m not familiar enough to answer all of the questions accurately.

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  1. Revival Awards—Vote! | Southern Gospel Yankee
  2. Vote In The Revival Awards « Burke's Brainwork

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